What a gorgeous day out there. Well you all know that I have just gone shopping and here are a few things that I brought back. I have been putting out freight for two days. 
We are trying more and more to do business locally, or at least USA made. It isn't easy to find people that want to sell their wares at a cost that we can resell them. We do get lucky from time to time and find a few companies though...Here are a few things
Pineapple made right here in Maine, I just had to go to MA to get it.
These "Old" window frames were recycled along with some pieces of plywood and some creativity. And all made in Indiana but we are lucky enough to have a few of them here
Hand made right here in Maine, Crocheted "recycled" wool rugs. They are so soft to walk on. (Something I am amazed at). We don't have many but a few. 
These lampshades are hand made also, from Indiana but made with love and care from a woman that enjoys making nice things for someone else's home.
The pillow and table runner is
made right down the street by a wonderful lady named Connie. She brings one of a kind items in about once a week. We are fortunate to have her things too.
There will be more about what we
have that is locally made tomorrow. I am just out of room and out of
time. Look tomorrow for purses, scrubbies, doilies, lamps and more. Remember "It's Always Worth the Trip @ Silkweeds"
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