A new rabbit to die for. He just looks so comfy sitting there on the mantle. All these things finally make me hope for warmer weather. With the sun out today, I wish I could bring the register outside. You can tell that people are ready to get out and get the stink off of them though. We seem to have more people than we had been having, which leads to more sales, which makes me think we are going to make it another year :)
If you have time stop in a see all the new things we have to offer. Make sure you sign up to receive our email newsletter at http://www.shopsilkweeds.com/ because the April one will be going out soon and it will have some coupons on it, and some information that no one else will get, only if you get the newsletter. Have a great day and remember that "It's Always Worth The Trip @ Silkweeds"
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